


2nd Timothy 1:7
Ephesians 6:10-17
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 56:3
Jeremiah 1:5 & 8


FEAR—a state of being afraid, being uneasy, feeling of dread or danger, a natural consequence of sin

ARMOUR—a metal covering to protect the body against weapons, protective clothing with the ability to deflect or absorb the impact of projectiles or other weapons that may be used against one in battle.
To provide one with emotional or social defenses.

We live in a world of the seen and unseen. It is the unseen that we should be most concerned with. Each day we live by faith that in that world our brother who is KING of the angel armies has HIS soldiers working on our behalf. However we do battle in the seen world with those battling in the unseen world.+

We face an enemy every day and his name is satan. One of his greatest weapons is fear, intimidation, and condemnation. There is a saying by Churchill that says “we have nothing to fear but fear itself”. That is a very true statement however being human we sometimes in the midst of the battle take our eyes off of our GENERAL CHRIST JESUS OF NAZARETH and the enemy takes full advantage of that. We can also become paralyzed with fear of failing GOD causing us to try and run and hide. Silly right? Because you can run but you can’t hide from HIM and most times HE has a hook in your mouth that will eventually be reeled in.

Let me share a story with you that happened to me and maybe someone will get blessed and realize there is always hope.
OK so my husband and I were going thru some hard times. We were about to loose our home (I didn’t know this because my husband didn’t want me to worry) He lost his job after 19 years with what was known at the time as IL Bell Telephone. My son had been wrongly accused of armed robbery and 3 of my closes friends were facing foreclosure as well. We opened our home up to 2 of those families while we were headed in that same direction. Side note I really didn’t care about the house at this point. The other families were trying to save their homes. I told the devil he could have it because I know my DADDY had something better for me. I asked GOD if we could stay in the house until my son graduated from high school which was in about 4 months. This took place in 1998.. My fear was all about my son and the outcome of the trial. Needless to say we couldn’t afford an attorney so we were stuck with a public defender(or so I thought). My son was accused with another teen and his mom did spend 10,000.00 on an attorney. Now I had all my sisters in Christ praying for him and the day of the trial finally arrives. I sat in the courtroom fighting off anger and fear. The trial begins and the most unexpected thing happened. The lawyers switched clients. The paid lawyer defended my son and the public defender the other young man. I sat there with my mouth hanging open because I saw my Protector and Brother come to our defense. The lawyer got the stare witness to change her account of who she saw. Kids were same height and build but were wearing different color coats. My fear took my peace and caused me to sin by entering into doubt, which is the very opposite of faith. Thank GOD for mercy and grace. In spite of my fear and doubt HE stepped in and handled the situation. My son was an honor student and was slated to receive an honors reward at graduation. Everything was withdrawn when we were transparent about the situation. It wasn’t innocent until proven guilty but rather guilty until proven innocent. After the verdict the school wanted to wanted to reinstate him in the honors society but he promptly declined. He said he didn’t want to be a part of a group that couldn’t abide that one simple principle of innocent until proven guilty.
My son stayed positive during the whole process because he believed in the prayers that were covering him as well as the case.
Our minds are the battlefield. So it is important to put on the whole armor of GOD everyday. GOD has equipped us with everything that we need.

Our helmet spiritually guards our thought life and naturally protects our cranium.

Our breastplate is to protect our heart spiritually from the arrows of satan and to protect our rib cage in the natural.

Guarding our loins with the girdle of truth.

Having our feet covered with the gospel of peace.

Picking up our shield of faith and most importantly wielding the sword of the spirit which is the Word of GOD.

GOD has not given us a spirit of fear but of power courage love and a sound mind. And if GOD be for us who can be against us!
So let us dress for the battle knowing that all we have to do is stand because this battle is not ours but the LORDS’ and He has graciously given us the victory.

Remember each day upon rising to make sure you put on your helmet because if he can plant a seed in the mind the heart is sure to follow and the last thing we want is a root of bitterness to develop. We must guard our heart and our lips because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

My second example is a lesson I learned thru the HOLY SPIRIT one night when we had a guest speaker. The speaker was talking but so was GOD (to me). I was trying to pay attention and keep up but with what was being said but the HOLY SPIRIT took me to Matthew 25:14-30. I always thought this scripture was about money but boy was I wrong. As I have said before GODS’ WORD is rich and deep. He was asking me questions that of course HE knew the answers to but HE wanted me to answer them honestly and to admit my fear of answering my call. You see some years earlier while in prayer before going to work GOD told me not to lie to HIS people. HE told me that more than once and to be honest I didn’t really understand because I was so far away in thought from working in ministry that it just went over my head; that is until the day came for me to accept that call. Teaching and even preaching no problem but then the call to become a prophet came. I gave new meaning to track star. I was running like I was in the hundred meter dash. All I kept hearing was don’t lie to my people so the one way to do that was not talk to HIS people in the ministry of a prophet. Every time I was called upon I would run literally. The pastors could not blink let alone turn their backs and I would disappear. However this day the rubber met the road because I had to admit to the LORD my fear. I had received a talent in which being paralyzed by fear had caused me to go and bury it by working in the kitchen and homeless ministry. Something sorta safe but this day that all came to an end. To top it off the guest speaker came over and began to speak to me about the ten virgins and then the talents. And if that wasn’t enough my sister who happened to be the pastor and I had spent that week discussing that passage of scripture. She with the ten virgins and me about the talents. The guest speaker asked my sister who I was and what ministry was I involved in. He told her that in his spirit he saw me as a prophet. Now I told GOD that if I was ever to be ordained that I didn’t want to know about it in advance. So He honored that request. They made me come from the kitchen and that very day ordained me. I didn’t see it coming but it was clear GOD was not allowing me to run any more nor try to deflect to others.
So do I still battle with fear? You bet. But GOD calls and the only thing to do is answer. If HE called you then HE has already equipped you. Remember the amour and use it daily to survive and also remember the place of attack is the battlefield of the mind. Hope this helped or blessed someone.

Peace and Blessings to all in CHRIST JESUS of NAZERETH NAME AMEN
From the Daughter of the KING