
THE FAITH WALK – From King’s Daughter

Definition: The belief or conviction of something not yet seen attain or visible.

2nd Corinthians 5:7
Romans 10:17
Hebrews ll:1

Today I’d like to talk a little about the faith walk. It is not an easy walk for some of us or maybe all of us. It is something that we deal with on a daily basis and sometimes take for granted until tested. Sometimes we may think we are ok in the faith department and then we are hit with some kind of devastating news that rocks us to our core. We need faith to stand in the face of that news and believe for the outcome to be reversed. And then there is the faith that no matter what we hear or see we don’t look at what is but we believe that as we stand and waiver not that the storm will pass and we will be victorious.
The WORD OF GOD says in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD of GOD. I believe that whole heartily and since His Word is so rich it pertains to everything we hear. So when we are faced with a devastating situation we must decide if we are going to believe what we hear or begin to confess the outcome we desire. Affirmations are life changing and when we listen to what we are confessing on a continuous basis things can change. To ramp that up we can get a person to pray and agree with us because there is strength in unity and it becomes easier because we have someone to help us stand when you get weak. We have someone affirming that no matter what the situation is we are standing firm for this outcome and we will not listen to or believe anything that comes contrary to that because faith is the thing we have hope and conviction for without any evidence being seen.

I experienced this this week and was very thankful that after I got over my slight depression that I came back with a determination and imagination that took me back to the clouds and I know that my help comes from a very special place and that I’m more than an over comer because by my faith I will never give up or give in. I will stand and having all to stand I’ll stand and see the LORD work things out for me. HE has never failed me. We must have patience when operating in faith. Most often times there is great movement going on behind the scenes and there could also be a lot of silence but know that all things work together for good and the that even in the silence there is victory. I encourage everyone reading this piece of work that they begin to use affirmations if they don’t already. They can completely change your world.
I hope in some small way this blesses the reader and gives them food for thought.
My question; how strong is your faith?

Grace and Peace